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Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Verification

A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to the companies registered in India. The ROC gives the CIN to the companies while issuing their Registration Certificate. The CIN is an important number as every company must mention this unique CIN in the forms to be submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), particularly in audits and reports.

API Integration

CIN verification can be performed using the Verify CIN API


"cin": "U72900KA2020PTC123456"


If the CIN is valid the response will be of the following format.

"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"companyMasterData": {
"companyCategory": "Company limited by shares",
"emailId": "*****",
"classOfCompany": "Private",
"numberOfMembers(applicable_in_case_of_company_without_share_capital)": "",
"addressOtherThanR/oWhereAllOrAnyBooksOfAccountAndPapersAreMaintained": "-",
"dateOfLastAgm": "28/11/2023",
"registeredAddress": "No 53, 4th Block, Behind Sony World signal, 5th Cross,100ft Road, Koramangala Extens ion, Bangalore Bengaluru Karnataka India 560034",
"registrationNumber": "165041",
"paidUpCapitalRs": "212060",
"whetherListedOrNot": "Unlisted",
"suspendedAtStockExchange": "",
"cin": "U72900KA2022PTC165041",
"companySubcategory": "Non-government company",
"authorisedCapitalRs": "2000000",
"companyStatusForEfiling": "Active",
"rocCode": "ROC Bangalore",
"dateOfBalanceSheet": "31/03/2023",
"dateOfIncorporation": "18/08/2022",
"charges": [],
"directorsOrsignatoryDetails": [
"endDate": "-",
"dinOrPan": "09707296",
"beginDate": "18/08/2022",
"name": "TANMAY YADAV"
"endDate": "-",
"dinOrPan": "08722831",
"beginDate": "18/08/2022",
"name": "MUKUL VERMA"
"endDate": "-",
"dinOrPan": "08018222",
"beginDate": "28/11/2023",

If the CIN is invalid the response will be of the following format.

"code": 0,
"message": "Invalid CIN",
"data": {
"status": "INVALID",
"reason": "Entered CIN/LLPIN/FLLPIN/FCRN is not found. Please enter valid details."