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Employment Verification

The following documentation explains how to integrate with the Employment Verification API. This API is used to perform employment verification for candidates.

API Endpoint

Endpoint URL: POST

Try it out


To perform employment verification, send a POST request to the above endpoint with the following JSON payload:

"data": {
"employmentDocumentType": "appointmentletter",
"nameAsPerEmployerRecords": "Shaiwal Shekhar Mishra",
"employerName": "dsvdfvd",
"joiningDate": "2018-01-04",
"lastWorkingDate": "2024-03-06",
"document": {
"label": "appointmentletter",
"url": ""
"verificationName": "bgv-employment",
"transactionId": "664758ec4c1572facafdafa0"


  • employmentDocumentType (string): Type of document attached for verification, Accepted values are:-(Required)
    1. salaryslip
    2. appointmentletter
    3. experienceletter
  • nameAsPerEmployerRecords (string): The candidate's name as per the document(Required)
  • employerName (string): The candidate's employer name(employer)(Required)
  • joiningDate (string): Joining date(Required)
  • lastWorkingDate (string): Last Working date(Required)
  • document (string): Document with label (employmentDocumentType), Use File Upload api to get url(Required)
  • verificationName (string): Name of verification Accepted value:- bgv-employment(Required)
  • transactionId (string): Id you get in the add candidate api response(Required)


If the data is valid, the response will be as follows:

"code": 0,
"message": "Success"