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Create Profile

The following documentation details the process for integrating with the Add Candidate API, which is used to add candidates as per the form created on the portal.

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API Endpoint

Endpoint URL: POST


To add a candidate, send a POST request with the following JSON payload:

"name": "Candidate Name",
"gender": "Male",
"dob": "05-01-1990",
"mobile": "+91-9119216041",
"profession": "Other",
"fatherName": "father name",


  • name (string): The candidate's full name.(Required)
  • gender (string): The candidate's gender. Accepted values are Male, Female, Other.(Required)
  • dob (string): The candidate's date of birth in DD-MM-YYYY format.(Required)
  • profession (string): The candidate's profession.(optional)
  • fatherName (string): The candidate's father's name.(optional)
  • mobile (string): The candidate's mobile phone number, including country code.(optional)
  • email (string): The candidate's email.(optional)


If the candidate is valid, the response will be as follows:

"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"transactionId": "6647408598332f345e0747ae"
Success Response
  • code (integer): Status code indicating the result of the request. 0 indicates success.
  • message (string): Description of the result. Success indicates the candidate was successfully added.
  • data (object): Contains additional data related to the request.
    • transactionId (string): A unique identifier for the transaction.

If the candidate is invalid, the response will be as follows:

"message": "name must be a string/dob must be a string/gender must be one of the following values: Male, Female, Other",
"code": -1
Error Response
  • message (string): Description of the error(s) encountered. This field provides detailed information about the specific validation issues.
  • code (integer): Status code indicating the result of the request. -1 indicates a failure due to invalid candidate data.